
Sunday, October 6, 2013

Photos from the week 10/6/2013

The Central African Republic is known as the butterfly capital of the world. There are also a ton of really colorful and interesting moths. 

One of my projects here is to experiment with different kinds of living fences. Today we got 4 rows of various kinds of plants planted for the demonstration. I am really excited to work with this, because in every developing country there is a problem with livestock eating gardens. If we can find a way to make a simple living fence, it will be sustainable, and allow people to have both animals and plants. 
This ground snake was accidentally cut in half while someone was working in a field. These are not poisonous and are pretty cool looking. 

This week it seems like everything is blooming. The smells from all the coffee and citrus are wonderful, and the bees are everywhere in the tree tops. These fun little flowers were in the Garden of Eden. I don’t know what the tree is, and have never seen it before. I am going to have to go down there with Roy and have him teach me about it. 

This termite queen was dug out of a termite mound that was in the middle of the road. The only way to kill a termite mound is to remove the queen. She has a very large abdomen, and cannot move. In the photo you can see her tiny little head and thorax, the rest is her abdomen. 

Here is a screen shot from the radar this week. It is definitely rainy season in Central Africa. 

I love having bananas around. This stock decided to start ripening from the top and the bottom though, so I have way too many all at once. Good thing I have a freezer. Frozen bananas make good snacks after a day at work.