
Monday, September 30, 2013

Photos from the week 9/29/2013

The wild tulip tree in my yard has been blooming over the last few weeks and is covered in beautiful bright red flowers.

Last Sunday at the inauguration of a local pastor, two girls from the youth club brought him a woven palm branch covered with flowers to welcome him.

Some bugs (weevils in particular) look like they belong in a star wars movie.

Alexander holding up a large piece of honeycomb that we just pulled out of a wild hive. Too bad it is not honey season.
One of my hives was being attacked by driver ants – insects that have the numbers and strength to completely wipe out a hive in a matter of minutes. I quickly ran home and got some baking flour, which I sprinkled around the hive. The ants outside the hive refused to cross the white flour, while the ones inside the circle where trapped. The bees are still there today, so they must not have lost too many.
Roy speaking to the seminar students, most of whom were woman, about the importance of good soil. About 25 people attended the seminar.

Saturday there was a seminar hosted by CEFA. Everyone who participated got to go into the plant nursery and choose a plant to take home. In this photo, Roy is explaining what plants are available to an eager bunch of attendees. 

This week I walked under a guava tree, and as I was looking for fruit, I saw this snake.