Yesterday CEFA had its first seminar! Over the past few years gardens have been planted, fish ponds dug, and buildings erected, but the research and training center has not had any official training on the grounds. There are finally buildings, experiments, and gardens, so the staff thought it was time to start having seminars and teaching.
This first one was more of an introduction to what CEFA is and what on the property. Seventeen important leaders in the community were invited to come out for the morning. Roy and the director spoke about CEFA: its history and its commitment to agricultural research and application within the Central African context.
They shared some fruit samples and then we all piled in to two trucks, taking a tour of the farm. Many from the CEFA work force also came to hear Roy, and go on the tour.
We stopped to look at work taking place in gardens,the fish ponds, and vegetable gardens.
After the tour we drove back to the Garden of Eden, and all the people who attended got to pick out a tree from the nursery to take home.