Swarming bees are not aggressive, and so even though I was not in a bee suit, I felt pretty safe, and just enjoyed the moment.
Less than 5 minutes from when the hive was empty, the swarm had almost all landed in or on the hive. It was a good size swarm, which should make it a strong colony.
This brand new little hive has been in its place now 8 days. During this time I have checked up on it two times including today. It is amazing to me that during a random visit I would not have spent more than one minute on, God allowed me to see it being occupied.
As of right now I have two occupied hives. One from the wild bees I caught three days ago, and one from today’s swarm. It is been a good few days for bees. formerly empty hive had a strong colony of honey bees in it! That makes two hives in one week!