
Friday, August 29, 2014

Hope for returning cooperatives

      It has been a little frustrating living in this country, Central African Republic (CAR), and not knowing what most of it looks like. Since it has been unsafe to travel the whole time I have been here, I have not been able to venture very far from Gamboula. This last month things have finally settled down enough that Roy and I felt it was okay to get out to see CEFA’s cooperatives. A few weeks ago we headed east to the town of Nasole, last week we went south to the village of Dede and this week we went north to Godowa. In each place we held a fruit tree seminar and brought trees from our nursery to the cooperatives.

      In the towns and villages to the east and south, life and landscape were normal for rural Central Africa. The trip north, however, was very different. A few months ago bands of Chadian rebels came and destroyed many villages, driving the inhabitants out to neighboring Cameroon. Since Gamboula is on a main road, and has a large population, it was not affected. But the drive (about 3 hours) from Gamboula north to Delopoko was on an over-grown and completely deserted road. Every house along the way had been abandoned and there were plants growing on and around them. Delapoko is a fairly large village where the local militias stood their ground and kept the town from being destroyed. It is here where refugees are returning. We met with 5 cooperatives in the church for a fruit tree seminar before heading out in to a freshly cleared field to plant an orchard of fruit trees. Seed for field crops, as well as tools, and food has been taken up there too. 

      Please continue to pray for the thousands of refugees in Cameroon and other countries, as well as those starting to return. Pray for peace and stability in the government as a new Prime Minister and cabinet has just been established. Next month UN peace keepers arrive and the French military force will leave, so pray that the transition will be smooth.