
Tuesday, July 9, 2013

When having a full bank account limits your diet

      For those who know developing countries, you know that animals are often the way people store their money.  goats, pigs or cattle can be sold for quick cash when money is short. Unfortunately, these animals often are free range, free to go where they want and eat what they want, and there is not much you can do about it.
     A few nights ago some goats got in to Roy’s nursery. They have their favorite plants, such as jackfruit and papaya, of which they demolished dozens, but went after other seedlings as well. In one night, these goats caused a lot of property damage.
      Most villages that have goats and other livestock have no fruit trees at all. Anything that is planted will be devoured immediately by a flock of hungry goats. As a result many villages lack fruit and other kinds of plants that could improve the standard of living.
      So what do you do in a situation where people need their living savings accounts, but also need to be able to plant food? This is a question and frustration on many development workers' minds all around the world, and is yet to be solved.  Just another challenge to working here.