
Thursday, June 20, 2013

Only two Wheals

      Being back at Gamboula is nice, but since these are not normal times,  e are doing things in abnormal ways. One of the challenges we have faced since being back is that we do not have any trucks. They were left in Cameroon for security reasons, as many trucks in CAR were commandeered/stolen by the new regime. As a result, we go out to the farm and back on a fleet of motorcycles (moto) owned by individuals and CEFA. Typically three people, sometimes four, pile on a moto, and head out to the farm. If there are shovels, machetes, or  anything else that needs to go, those get on too.
      The past few days especially, we have really wished for a truck. There are many construction projects going on at the farm, as the shop, four houses, and the agriculture center are being built. Bricks, water, cement, lumber, and other materials need to be hauled. We have also been getting quite a lot of rain these days. It is perfect planting weather for trees and cover crops, which we need to put in the ground before the dry season comes. The nursery, however, is in Gamboula 5K away. Many of these plants are taken out on the back of motos, in big plastic trunks. There are simply too many to carry out though, and the season is passing us by.
      Finally there are the fish ponds here. The ponds are for raising fingerlings to take out and distribute in the villages. I don’t know why I was surprised to see 2 five Gallon buckets strapped onto a moto and full of fish heading out to be distributed. Hope they made it.

      Motos are sure nice to get around on, but when it is your only mode of
transportation, a truck sure is nice.