
Friday, March 22, 2013

Today's Events in the CAR

      There has been fresh fighting in CAR over the last week or so. The rebel faction that signed a peace deal back in January has splintered, and has resumed its march on the capital, and claim they will have it by the morning. Two months ago a transitional government was set up, but has since failed, and does not have the resources to protect itself or the people of this country. According to many the president has fled the country, although some reports say it was a last ditch effort to get help. 

      I have herd many rumors today, none of which can be confirmed, but none that sound very positive. We have our bags packed and are ready to leave if our safety is threatened.

For more of todays events see the link below.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Pigs, Bugs, and Needles.

        There are reasons I am not a fan of pigs running free in villages. Here in Gamboula and the surrounding villages, there are goats, chickens, ducks, sheep, and yes, pigs. The pigs, like everything else are free-ranging, and root around wherever they please. Pigs tend to like wet or cool places, which gardens have a lot of. As a result the pigs tend to be attracted to them, rooting around and eating people’s hard work. Although I have not had a lot of firsthand experience with pigs yet, I am sure I will in the next two years. I am already seeing the destruction they have caused in the nutrition garden’s vegetable beds.
       Along with the annihilation of crops, trees, and other plants, where there are pigs, there are lovely little parasites called jiggers. These little bugs burrow into human skin and lay a huge egg sack, making the spot itch. I have not had a jigger in years, but today discovered a lovely raised bump with a black dot that looked suspiciously like one. Most of the time they burrow into feet, but this one was in my forearm. Typically you go after them with a needle. Picking away the skin around them, you try not to destroy the egg sack they have laid. If the egg sack is punctured you could end up with many little jiggers in the same hole. It is actually quite fun popping the whole unit out if you do it right. Unfortunately it for me I am right handed, it was on my right arm, and in a hard to get at place. Aleta Danforth, who is a nurse, was kind enough to help extract this little piggy parasite from me.
      Seeing the number of pigs around, I am sure there will be more pig stories to come, and most likely I will have to dig out more jiggers at some point.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Overview of Gamboula and the gardens.

In this clip I show a map from Google Earth. It highlights some of the places I will be working in and gives an idea about where these places are in relation to one another.  
Sorry for the poor quality of the video.

Friday, March 1, 2013

First Rain!

       March 1st is the date given for the start of rainy season here in Gamboula, and this morning we had our first rain! We have had a few small rains pass us by in the last few days, but today we had a large system come in and provide us with a nice long rain. It got really dark at first and there was some wind and thunder with the downpour, but then the sky lightened. We had a few hours of soaking rain, which we really needed to get deep in the ground. 
       All this rain means that planting season has begun, and there is going to be a lot of work starting to happen around here. It is definitely an exciting time of year to be here and be a part of all the action that is going on, both in families' lives, as well as the work at the farm. 

Just after running home in the rain.